Download M.Ed-Syllabus
M.Ed Syllabus is available to download now:
Master of Education | M.Ed is a 2 year course and has 4 semester, which can be pursued after B.Ed degree. B Ed Admission is No.1 educational consultant for the admission in B.Ed and M.Ed courses from Haryana’s top universities like MDU, KUK, CRSU etc. B Ed Admission always try to help the students in term of admissions, study material, practical file assistance, support and queries related to exams, datesheets etc.
B Ed Admission is again here to help and have uploaded the latest M.Ed syllabus to download for all semesters. The candidate can download the syllabus from the following links:
Download M.Ed Syllabus – I semester
Download M.Ed Syllabus – II semester
Download M.Ed Syllabus – III semester
Download M.Ed Syllabus – IV semester
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